Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lesser Post

I am getting busy now Finally.. I have a lots of work to do now..
And the deadlines are getting closer and closer to me..

Social Psych - Group Project : University Students' Attitudes towards Safe Sex
Individual Differences and Conceptual Issues - Group Project: Journal Review and Criticism + Presentation and Poster
Biological Psych - Lab Report
Research Method - Journal Search
Dissertation - Topic: Personality

I dint wana go out and mingle around for places that I went before.. Finally I think it is a waste of time for me to 'lepak' outside instead of sitting still here and do my work..

LOW YUAN YEE.. Please.. DO YOUR WORK!!!! No more playing around!!!

Siti and Farah cooked Malay style's Chicken rice last week..
I have to say that.. Both of them are good chefs.. Serious..!! They are..!!!

I found the taste of 'home'.. When I was in Help Uni College back in M'sia..
Nasi Ayam goreng is my choice for lunch.. At least once a week I will have it..
Now I miss it sooooooo much..
Thanks Siti and Farah for the lunch.. =)
Makes me feel 'HOME'.......

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