We decided to go to the hill that nearby our uni which recommended by Siti.. According to Siti, the hill is very nice.. We wanted to discover "how 'nice' is the hill"......
According to Raj.. It is Deevali that day.. SiewWen, Gan and me went to ASDA and shop for groceries.. I saw a cute candies.. hmm.. or maybe a dessert..
It is actually green apple coated with chocolate.. another one is green apple coated with toffee..
I wanted to buy the chocolate one!!!!!!! It is only 40p.....
SiewWen decided to buy it for Raj since it is Deevali...
Look.. She is having it.. It is very nice..
Ah Kay.. u can melt the chocolate and coat the green apple.. leave it cold and eat it.. It is very nice.. Better than u make apple juice..