Saturday, September 25, 2010

Malaysia Night Market Event..

Today went out whole day with Fel, PM and HB, after meeting my supervisor and having a 'not so good' feedback..
I'm depressed!! OK!! I need to go shopping...
So, I decided to go buy souvenirs and 顺便 go shopping Primark for the last time before I leave (hope I can still 'lap' 货 again before I leave)..
Then, only meet Fel, PM and HB at Trafalgar Square for the Malaysia Night Market event...
Sadly, there isn't many thing to see there..
All food stall with high price and low in quantity.. One little bowl laksa is 3pounds..
I eat at Pasar Malam can eat 5 bowls already... XD
We walked around for less than half an hour, then decided to go eat!!
Sushi GaGa!! but no more 50% discount.. sigh..

Nevermind, we still go for it..
While counting the bills, I could barely hear someone calling 'Ah YEE!!'
I did not respond because this name has not been called since two years ago..
haha... SORRY POH BOON...!! and I realised, that was Poh Boon!! hahaha..
We met Poh Boon and gang at the same restaurant coincidently...
Long time did not see her.. still the same smiling face =)

BUT, too bad.. I did not take any pictures today....
hahaha...No mood for pictures today..
Only shopping shopping shopping!!
*Hope I can get everything done before I leave... Praying hard.. Finger crossed*

Wednesday, September 22, 2010



它今晚就会来陪我了。。 =)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

GodFinger - My Finger!!

Recently, I am addicted to another game after getting bored with the 'cookies dozer'..
This, new application... 'GodFinger'...
In this game.. Your are the 'God'... You build your own nation.. You control the world!! =D
Look at my followers... Happily drinking water from the fountain...
They are relaxing after working for me!! 

Oh... Someone feel like fishing......
You need a pond??
Ok, no problem.. *Mali Mali Hom!!!~~~~*
Here you go.....!! XD
See... She is now happily fishing beside the pond... haha
I am so addicted to this game... 
Loving my Iphone so much........ =)

I have done my draft... for the second time.. and have sent to my supervisor..
She has made an appointment and asked me to meet her on friday...
Hope she will not ask me to make too much changes this time...
Next week is the deadline... Please say OK and let me submit it...
*finger crossed*

Sunday, September 19, 2010


去了‘花小姐’ 的家因为开斋节。。
但,真的很开心见到大家。。 =)

想搞搞自己的心情。。决定我长长的‘阴’(fringe) 给剪了!!!
哈哈。。 好喜欢短短的头发。。舒服多了!!
再见了‘阴阴’,我们几个月后再见吧!! =)