Guests here of course we are bringing them to central London.. Although we will be like..... Ha?? Again?? hahaha.. But everytime we will not get bored of going central.. =)
Here is Gan and Siti..
Left: PeiMun, Felicia, Felicia's mummy, Me, Siti, SiewWen
Behind Left: Gan, PeiMun, Felicia
Front Left: SiewWen, Siti, Felicia's mummy, Me
Yes.. It is there.. This is the original London Bridge..
Then, we heading towards Tower Bridge.. That is the significant ones..
We passed by this place... hmm.. Dono what is it called..
And I saw this restaurant.. "The HorniMan".... Woooooo~ HornyMan.. hahahahahahah
We saw this performer.. Playing with fire.. With wind blowing strongly.. hmmm..
We were taking picture with the 'Black Egg'.. haha
The Bridge Tower.....
What u doing there Felicia?? Why face like that?? Too hungry is it?? haha..
On the way to take tube at 'Tower Bridge Station'..
I like this picture.. We look like some movie stars shooting for the promo poster or something.. And.. look at the picture.. I am at the center.. means I will be the main character.. wahahahahahahah...
Here is the Bridge Tower.. This is not the London Bridge.. We always mistaken this is the London Bridge..
I am at LonDON!!!! haha..
Eh.. Doing what there?? So happy??
The London Dungeon statue.. That is Siti..
That is Gan and SiewWen..
Here is where we had our dinner.. Japanese Cuisine..!!!
This restaurant doesnt take tips.. No extra charges for 'Omori'- which means bigger portion of rice.. Sounds cheap right??
But.. When u finish eating.. U will know it is actually not that cheap............
This is wat I shared with SiewWen.. Pork Curry Rice.. This thing costed 10 pounds.. We shared, so it will be 5 pounds each person.. If it's in M'sia.. 5 ringgit.. Is ok la.. But UK 5 pounds equals to 30 ringgit.. Oh my goddd.. 30 ringgit is not for the whole plate u know? It is only half plate.. If u wan whole plate, it is 10 pounds which will be 60 ringgit.. This rice is the most worth n big portion food that we can find in the menu.......
Siti let me try some of her Udon.. It is very nice.. Thanks Siti.. The Udon is so much different from M'sia's.. I like it.. But the Udon costed 6.90pounds if im not mistaken.. Siti had it herself..
Here is Siti with the Japanese lantern......
Again.. Siti.. with Piccadilly night view..
SiewWen with Felicia.. When we had our 'night walk' the 1st night..
The posers of Platt Hall...................... I will also faint if I see them.. hahaha
Here is our picture.. I like this picture.. All of us having the genuine smile....... =)
Left: Raj, SiewWen, Siti, Gan