What the H*** constructions infront of my window?? I have to close my window to avoid the dust coming into my room!!!
I went to my kitchen and make my brunch.. Ham, Vege, toast sandwich, with a cup of Nescafe all the way from Malaysia by airplane to London with me.. haha.. and a Kiwi which bought by SiewWen.. It is 10 for 1 pound.. Cheap huh..!!
Look at the mug.. Nice mug with simple design but it impressed me.. My love for it at first sight when I went to ASDA yesterday.. 42 pences... which is less than RM3.. So cheap but so nice.. Of cz I buy it!!! And now.. It is mine.. It will always by my side.. wahahahahaha
01.10.09 Wednesday.. Mabel, Justin and Me went to Natwest to open a bank account.. On the way to bank.. I saw this Gen 2 (Made In Malaysia) parked at the carpark at Uni.. hahaha..
So far.. I only saw one Proton Wira and one Gen2 in London..
Some random pictures taken before this.. We were exploring Hendon Town..
Eating fried chicken happily...
Going Tesco together..
What happened?? Where are u all?? I miss those happy days.. Please....... Don't fight.. I don't like to be the center person..!! I dont like to run two places..!! I dont like to repeat going one place for twice!! I dont want my friends to be like that!!! Friends what should I do??? I am not gonna give up any of my friends..!!!
I rather be alone in my room.. I am not going anywhere....................................