Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Young's Bar + Monopoly

We were supposed to go Camden Town that day..
Because Raj was drunk.. and our plan canceled....
Stay at home......
Helping SiewWen to wrap her friend's Gucci Wallet..
So happy........
Because we gona play Monopoly~~~
No outing.. Staying at home for Monopoly.......
Oh ya.. Sujai was our first guest for this week..
Then we changed our plan to tomorrow..
Young's Bar.... with our Monopoly.....
This was my Heineken..
1 pint.. Straight away K.O.... X__X
Nice glass.. Heineken... 3.53pounds... which is considered cheap to me..
This was Peili's Guinness.. Wow.. This is strong.. I think it was 4 pounds something if I am not mistaken..
Happy monopoly~~
Our second guest of the week is Chyi.. The one at the right.. Siewwen's good friend....
Raj and Gan...
Me and SiewWen...
Take two...
Take three...
I like this picture...
The third guest.. Zhi Pin.. Gan's flatmate..
Monopoly night at Young's Bar..
Bottom up...... Hantam whole pint of Heineken.. K.O straight........ X__X
SiewWen and Gan..
Happy night..
Chyi, Raj and Peili..
Raj, Peili and Gan..
Raj, Peili and Me..
I was drunk that night......
No more alcohol for me...

1 comment:

HuiHui said...

wa...the beer veli exp...